Being an informed consumer can save you time and money on your roofing system! Dishonest roofers can cost you thousands of dollars due to voided warranties & careless repairs and installations. Here are some tips to avoid the hassle of choosing an unqualified roofing contractor;
We inspect roofs in your
portfolio, and grade them on an
A to F scale. You’ll get video and
photo documentation for any
potential problems.
We can inspect quarterly,
semiannually, or once per year.
Older buildings or roofs already
in bad condition should have
surveys done frequently.
In order to prevent leaks you
must understand how your roof
is aging. Routine maintenance
helps reduce leaks and save
Castro Roofing always delivers the highest quality craftsmanship, customer service, and roofing materials. For all of your roofing, siding, gutter, windows, skylights, and insulation needs, our team is here and waiting for your call. We provide all of our services to the entire Southwestern Ohio area, so if you’d like to get started, call us at +1 937-561-8597 schedule your free consultation.